Internet OS and Pixelized Loneliness

I'm changing some things up around here.

Internet OS and Pixelized Loneliness

It’s busy season! Techtember is officially over but that doesn’t mean it’s time to take our foot off the pedal. We’re cruising right on into Techtober baby. I found something that can make searching through my mess of digital files easier and I also found my next EDC knife. But first! Some quick housekeeping.

🏠 Quick housekeeping

In the last issue I put a poll asking how often you all wanted to receive these emails. With 40% of the total votes, you guys chose one issue every two weeks. So that’s what’s going to happen! Starting today, this is a twice a month newsletter. I’m also switching up the format and experimenting a bit. There will still be three cool things worth knowing about because that’s the bread and butter of Cool Supply. But I’m also going to preview something from the next issue so you’ll know what to expect and also close out the newsletter with a riddle written by AI. I thought it’d be fun to see how clever (or not clever) it can be.

in this issue

 📁 Fabric Internet OS

 🗡️Benchmade Mini Bugout - Alpine Glow

 🫤 The Pudding Invisible Epidemic

📁 Fabric

As useful as I find Google Drive, I find it to be an insanely cumbersome app to use. While the search is great, the organization is terrible. And as much as Google wishes otherwise, I store things in many different locations across the internet. Dropbox for work, Drive for personal freelance stuff, Pocket for articles I want to reach, and so on.

That’s what the new app Fabric promises to fix. By connecting multiple accounts to it, it’ll serve as a central hub for all of your important things. I’m currently only using it to stash websites I want to come back to later and the occasional quick note, but I can already see the potential. If it lives up to the promises I can see it becoming an essential part of my daily workflow.

🗡️ Benchmade Mini Bugout (Alpine Glow)

The Benchmade Bugout is arguably one of the greatest EDC knives of all time, but with a 3.2-inch blade it’s still a little large for my taste. Thankfully, the Mini Bugout exists with a 2.7-inch blade that’s easier to justify carrying in cities. But the reason I’m finally going to splurge on a Bugout is because this one comes in pink. PINK! That’s really all I got for this one. A pink knife is badass. The end.

👾 The Pudding Invisible Epidemic

The Pudding is one of my favorite publications not because it has the best breaking news or the coolest new gadget exclusives, but because it has beautiful web visuals to go along with data insights that actually matter. One of its recent stories is about loneliness. It shows the importance of socializing and, more importantly, how we’re all doing less of it. It’s important work that I think is worth highlighting. Plus, it has beautiful pixel art which is a sure-shot way to hit me right in the feels.


I’m forever on the hunt for the app that’s actually going to help me unlock my full note taking potential. There’s a school of thought I recently came across that emphasizes files and formats over note taking apps. Instead of getting locked into proprietary apps that can one day go away and leave us with a hole in our notes history, we should instead be using apps that support open note formats that can seamlessly transfer between apps. Don’t like one app? That’s fine. Just import all of your files into a different app and keep on going.

I’m still learning about what this means exactly, but one app that seems to be following this method is Anytype. For the next two weeks I’m going to be testing out this app to see if it lives up to what it claims and if it’s a viable long term solution. Hopefully it’s easier to use than Obsidian or Notion.

Riddle: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?

Answer: In the next issue!

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