It's finally Tuesday
All the best April Fools things
Happy Tuesday! It feels like it’s been such a freakishly long week already and we still have so much more to go, but it’s okay. We’ll make it. To help you push on through to the end of the week I grabbed the best 3 April Fool’s jokes I could find. Hope you enjoy it!
In this issue
🔞 Porn?
Never step on a LEGO again
You know the terrible pain of stepping on a LEGO brick? Of course you do, because you’re human. Today the company announced that the pain of not looking down when you walk is a thing of the past thanks to what looks to be magnets. Or magic. Or the Force. Or all of the above.
Never step on a LEGO brick again! SmartBricks, coming soon...
— LEGO (@LEGO_Group) 7:00 AM ∙ Apr 1, 2021
Either way, this made me actually laugh at how clever it was. My favorite part of this is that they wasted no time tweeting it out. The timestamp at the tweet says 3AM, which I find hilarious. They were so hyped to tweet this. Well done.
The Goodest of Boys
At work we’ve been working on our April Fool’s day video for a bit, and it’s the best thing ever done ever by far. Ever. Mainly because Mac (Andrew’s dog) is SO F*CKING CUTE AND WE ALL LOVE HIM.
You need to just watch this video. Come back here after you’ve dedicated the next 9 minutes of your life to being grateful that you get to live on the same floating rock as this good boy.
Linus and his Tech Tip (SFW-kinda)
If you didn’t catch it, Linus and his team also had a really funny video lined up today. But they took…uh…let’s a different approach. It’s super clever and had us all laughing though, so it’s definitely worth watching. Just make sure you’re next to some kids or in a very public place when you click play on this video.
That thumbnail doe. Bravo. (Mac is still cuter though). Hope you all enjoyed the day and all the fun stuff that was floating around the internet. If you had a bad day, keep your head up. The week is almost over! Tomorrow is Wednesday!