🆒Second winter is almost over

Is it fall yet?

Happy Tuesday! Today was the first time in months that I only had to put on one pair of gloves to go for a run. That means spring is almost here, groundhog be damned. As vain as it sounds, the warmer weather got me thinking about what clothes I’m going to wear once it gets warm. Winter is my favorite time of year when it comes to style since it takes zero thought on my part. Wake up, throw on comfy sweater, a giant jacket, and I’m done. That’s not the case with spring and summer. I still try to keep it mindless though for optimal laziness.

In this issue

👟 My favorite pair of white sneakers.

💳 An upgraded slim wallet that won’t stretch out.

📺 The YouTube guy that sent me down this rabbit hole.

Oliver Cabell Low 1

Everyone needs a solid pair of white sneakers, or so I’m told. The standard for a high-end pair of white sneakers are the Common Projects but I refuse to pay almost $500 on a pair of sneakers. At less than half the price the Oliver Cabell Low 1 sneakers have a similar simple silhouette and are made with real leather.

This means that they can take a beating and they last. I’ve had mine for a little over three years now and after a nice polish they still look way better than they should. I might get a new pair in a year or two but for now I love the worn in look.

Bellroy Apex Slim Sleeve

I have a hard time choosing wallets. I want something small and minimal but still premium. I tend to switch between the Bellroy Slim Sleeve in the winter and the Distil Union Wally Micro in the summer just because the smaller size is easier to fit into shorts. But the paid ads from Bellroy must be working because everywhere I go online, all I see is the Bellroy Apex Slim Sleeve.

I haven’t pulled the trigger yet but it seems to hit all the right marks. It’s still relatively small in size, but has a pre-molded cut to avoid stretching over time. I’ve tried wallets made of synthetic material in the past, but unfortunately nothing really patinas like quality leather.


When I first started looking to get rid of my clothes and start slowly building a better wardrobe, this is the video that got me started. He has a whole series on basic high quality essentials, but I started with the shirts since I feel like a good shirt makes a better first impression than a pair of pants.